Bharat Electronics Limited Vacancy | Job Openings | Engineering Graduates

Bharat Electronics Limited Vacancy

Bharat Electronics Limited Vacancy: Bharat Electronics Limited is an Indian state-owned aerospace and defence company with about nine factories, and several regional offices in India. It is owned by the Indian Government and primarily manufactures advanced electronic products for the Indian Armed Forces.

Bharat Electronics Limited Vacancy:

Name of the BoardBharat Electronics Limited
Name of the PostTrainee Engineer 1
Number of Vacancy30
Last Date21.05.2021
StatusNotification Released

Age Limit:

The upper age limit to apply for this recruitment is 25 years as on 01.04.2021. The age relaxation on the upper age limit for SC/ST candidates is 5 years and for OBC candidates is 3 years. For candidates belonging to PWD category having minimum 40% disability or more will get 10 years’ relaxation in addition to the relaxation applicable to the categories mentioned.

Educational Qualification:

Full time (4 years) B.E/B.Tech course from reputed Institute/University in the following Engineering disciplines –Electronics/Electronics & Communication/ E&T/ Telecommunication is the necessary educational qualification to apply. In detail, First Class in the indicated qualification is enough for General, OBC and EWS candidates and Pass Class is enough for SC, ST and PWD candidates.


As per the notification, the board has desired to the candidates should have minimum 6 (Six) months of post qualification industry experience in relevant field. Another important note is candidates possessing Industrial experience only eligible to apply. In other words Academy/Teaching/Research work experience will not be considered as relevant industrial experience.


Candidates will be paid a consolidated remuneration of Rs. 25,000/-, Rs. 28,000/ and Rs. 31,000/-during the 1st, 2nd and 3rd year of contract respectively.

Application Fee:

Candidates should pay the application fee to submit their response for this job recruitment. The application fee is Rs. 200/- . Candidates belonging to PWD, SC and ST categories are exempted from payment of application fee. The application fee should be remitted through SBI Collect (through online mode or through SBI Branch)

Selection Process:

Candidates will be shortlisted in the order of merit based on marks obtained in BE/B.Tech and number of years of experience in the ratio of 1:5. Only those candidates shortlisted will be called for the interview. The names of candidates shortlisted for interviews will be notified later by the board. The board also will release the admit card for the interview. Candidates who have been shortlisted for the interview download their interview call letter. The dates of the selections, timings and venue will be intimated to the shortlisted candidates. So, stay connected with us for the further updates regarding this.

Selected candidates will get their Trainee Engineer-I post that will be engaged initially for a period of One year which may be extended up to a maximum of Three years (including initial period) based on requirement and individual performance.

How to Apply for BEL Recruitment 2021:

  • Go to official website of BEL.
  • Go to the Careers tab and click “Recruitment for the post of Trainee Engineer”.
  • Read the job notification carefully, if you are eligible then click apply online link.
  • Fill your details and submit. Candidates are required to enter all information correctly in the online application form and verify the same before submission, as changes shall not be permitted after submission of the application form.
  • The direct link to apply for this recruitment is provided below.
  • Take a print out of your application for future use.

Download BEL Recruitment 2021 Notification

Apply for BEL Recruitment 2021

Official Site

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