Central Bank of India Recruitment | Salary Up to Rs.25, 000/- PM | Download Application Form

Central Bank of India Recruitment

Central Bank of India Recruitment: Central Bank of India is an Indian nationalised bank. It is under the ownership of Ministry of Finance, Government of India and is one of the oldest and largest nationalised commercial banks in India. It is based in Mumbai, the financial capital of India and capital city of state of Maharashtra.

Central Bank of India Recruitment:

Who OfferedCentral Bank of India
Which PostsDirector R- SETI, Etawah
Wanted Persons01
Starting Date to Apply14.09.2021
Last Date to Apply24.09.2021
Mode of ApplyOffline
StatusJob Notification Released

Job Vacancy:

This is Recruitment/Engagement of Director for RSETI (Rural Self Employment Training Institute) Auraiya on Contract basis for the year 2021-22.


Candidates must have completed Graduate / Post Graduate degree from a UGC recognized University. Officers with rural development background i.e. Agriculture Finance Officer / Rural Development Officer / Agriculture Officers converted to mainstream of banking / Lead District Managers and Faculty leaders / Faculty members of Training Centres / Colleges with specialization in Rural Development etc. shall be preferred.

Experience / Other Eligibility Criteria:

Candidate should have retired on VRS or on attaining superannuation with minimum 20 years of service of which at least 15 years in Officer Cadre. She/ He should have worked as Branch Manager in any scale in a rural branch for at least 3 years OR as AFO (Agriculture Finance Officer) in a Rural Branch for a period of 3 years.

Age Limit:

Candidates do not exceeding Less than 65 years of age with sound Health, they are all eligible to apply for this recruitment.

Salary Structure:

The contract amount shall be paid per month up to “an amount equivalent to last pay & allowances drawn less the initial amount of Pension fixed before commutation plus relief etc. payable thereon” or Rs.25,000/- p.m., whichever is lower. Further, a lump sum amount of Rs.500/- p.m. shall be paid towards Mobile, Conveyance etc.

Selection Process:

The eligible candidates will be shortlisted by the committee at Bank’s Regional Office, Etawah and they will be separately informed to appear for personality test and the decision of the Bank in this regard shall be final.

Application Fees:

There is no application fee prescribed.

How to Apply for Central Bank of India Recruitment 2021:

Eligible candidates have to submit their applications in the given format and Fill up Completely. Address the application, super scribing “Application for the post of Recruitment as Director of R-SETI to – Regional Manager/Chairman, Local Advisory Committee, Central Bank of India, Regional Office, 125, Civil Lines Etawah Dist. Etawah206001 (U.P.)

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