RRB NTPC , Group D Exam dates 2020 Announced : Check out here

RRB NTPC , Group D Exam dates 2020 Announced

RRB NTPC , Group D Exam dates 2020 Announced , Check out here . Railways has released the date of most awaited recruitment examinations. Last year , Railways had passed 1.03 vacancies for Level-1 (Group D) posts. For this exam candidates are waited from the last year . On Saturday , Railways announced Recruitment examination ( CBT) will start from 15 December. NTPC and recruitment examinations for isolated and ministerial posts will be held along with Group D .

Union Railway Minister Piyush Goyal tweeted a video on Saturday evening , saying ” Recruitment process applications have been completed for all 3 categories of various posts in Railways , conducting examinations(CBT) for recruitment to various posts from 15 December. The Tweeted video states that a detailed schedule of recruitment exams will be released soon . The examinations will start from 15 December.

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RRB NTPC , Group D Exam dates 2020 Announced

In the Month of February last year , the railways had removed 1,40,640 vacancies for Non Technical Popular Category(NTPC) Level-1 (Group D ) , isolated and Ministerial posts. NTPC has 35,277 Vacancies . 1.03 Lakhs of Group D and 1665 vacancies of isolates and ministries were drawn . Junior Stenographer will be recruited for the posts of Hindi , English , Translator , Cook , Welfare Inspector , Teacher , law Assistant and other posts under Ministerial and Isolated recruitment.

RRB NTPC , Group D Exam:

Selection process

Candidates will be selected on the basis pf Computer Based Test(CBT) and Physical Efficiency Test(PET) . Successful candidates in CBT will be called in PET.

Marks Normalization and Negative Marking

The Methodology of Marks Normalization will be adopted in CBT . Three times of the total vacancy candidates will be called for PET. And Negative Marking like last time , this time there will be negative marking in group D CBT. One third will be deducted for each wrong answer .

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