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ToggleUPSC IFS Exam 2020 detailed application form released, check on official website. Union Public Service Commission has released the detailed application form for UPSC IFS Main Examination 2020. Those candidates who have passed this year’s UPSC IFS Pre Exam can go to the official website and fill the form. To do this, the link must be given on the official website.
The detailed application form is available on the commission’s website for a limited time only. Candidates cannot fill Daf after 27 November 2020. Since the process of filling it has to be completed very carefully, the candidate should go to the website as soon as possible and download the form and fill it well.
Union Public Service Commission will conduct this year’s Indian Forest Service Main Examination 2020 from 28 February 2021 to 07 March 2021. The exam will be held in various test centers across the country and only those candidates who have passed the Mains exam will be called for the next stage i.e. interview.

UPSC IFS Exam 2020
The application fee for this examination has been fixed at Rs 200, which is for general category. The reserved category and women candidates have been exempted from this. You can see the website to know in detail.
Steps for filling the form :
First of all, go to the official website.
Here, click on the link on the homepage which reads ‘DAF for various Examinations of UPSC’.
Find the link here click here and click on it.
In the next step, click on ‘Indian Forest Service (Main) Examination, 2020.
After doing this, a new page will open where you will have to enter your login ID and password.
Enter your details and press the login button.
UPSC IFS Daf Form 2020 will be visible after doing this.
Fill it carefully and finally press the submit button.