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ToggleBihar STET re-exam : Candidates facing Transport facility issues , Check out here. Bihar School Examination Board (BSEB) has released STET re-exam Admit card . This exam is held by online mode conducted from September 9 to 21 in 12 districts in Bihar. Normally STET exam is conducted in one day , but this year due to Covid-19 Pandemic this exam going to conducted in various shifts .
This time , 2.47 lakh candidates are going to take online STET exams to be held at 60 exams centres. After downloading the admit card many women and differently – abled candidates are in stress as exams centre allotted to them are 100 to 300 km away from their home locality , regardless of having exam centre in those locality.
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Most of the candidates are in stress as their are chances that they miss their exam due to far off exam centers inspite of near exam centres . There is not even a good public transportation facility . They also claim that if train timing between September 4 to 13 is linked with the JEE , NEET and NDA exams candidates , then what they do because timing of STET exam and other exams are different .
Bihar STET re-exam candidates : Important Guidelines issued by BSEB
1 . Candidates have to maintain social distancing .
2 . They have to bring their own mask , gloves , personal sanitizer , transparent water bottle.
3 . Candidates have to take pen along with them , pen is not provided at the exam centre .
4 . All Candidates have to do self-declaration that they had not come in contact with any Covid-19 Patient.
5 . Aspirant who don’nt have ” Arogya Setu” app on their mobiles have to certify that they have not tested positive for Covid-19 .
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