DRDO DRDL Recruitment | JRF Job Openings | Apply Now

DRDO DRDL Recruitment

DRDO DRDL Recruitment: The Defence Research and Development Organisation is an agency under the Department of Defence Research and Development in Ministry of Defence of the Government of India, charged with the military’s research and development, headquartered in Delhi, India.

DRDO DRDL Recruitment:

Name of the BoardDefence Research and Development Organization – Defence Research and Development Laboratory (DRDL)
Name of the PostJunior Research Fellow (Mechanical Engineering & Aeronautical Engineering)
No. of Vacancy10
Last Datewithin 30 days
StatusNotification Released

Eligibility Criteria:

Candidates must meet all eligibility criteria before applying online for the DRDO DRDL JRF Recruitment 2021. As a result, double-check the details on this page for accuracy. The upper age limit is a maximum of 28 years as on the closing date of the advertisement.

Name of the PostEducational Qualifications
Junior Research FellowMechanical EnggB.Tech/ B.E with First Class in Mechanical Engg. from UGC recognized University with GATE valid score (Paper code ME)(or)M.E/ M.Tech with First Class in Mechanical Engg. from UGC recognized University and B.Tech/ B.E (Mechanical Engg.) with First Class from UGC recognized University
Junior Research FellowAeronautical/ Aerospace EnggB.Tech/ B.E with First Class in Aeronautical/ Aerospace Engg. From UGC recognized University with GATE valid score (Paper code: AE)(or)M.E/ M.Tech with First Class in Aeronautical Aerospace Engg. from UGC recognized University and B.Tech/ B.E (Aeronautical/ Aerospace Engg.) with First Class from UGC recognized University

Salary Details:

According to DRDO rules, the salary for the role is Rs. 31,000/- plus HRA. Candidates will read more about the benefits plan on the official website. Those who meet the requirements for the position are encouraged to apply. Don’t miss out on this once-in-a-lifetime chance.

Selection Process:

Eligible candidates will be the shortlisted basis on a valid GATE score and percentage of marks obtained in the minimum qualifying degree. GATE paper and subject of qualifying degree must be related to the subject/discipline against which the candidate is applying. Shortlisted candidates will be required to attend a personal interview at DRDL in Hyderabad, or by video conferencing, as determined by the Director, DRDL, and communicated to the individual separately.

How to Apply DRDO DRDL JRF recruitment 2021?

  • Candidates can visit the given link,
  • Scroll down the page until you see the link for “DRDO DRDL JRF Jobs 2021 Notification.”
  • Then carefully read all of the notification’s information.
  • If you meet the requirements for the above positions, please complete and send the DRDO DRDL JRF Application Form 2021, along with all necessary documents, to the mentioned address before the deadline.

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