Tech Mahindra declares “Gift A Career” to gave training to Youth for enhancing their skills | Check out here

Mahindra declares "Gift A Career"

Tech Mahindra declares “Gift A Career” to gave training to Youth for enhancing their skills. Currently Tech Mahindra declare the “Gift A Career” to youth for enhancing their skills. Tech Mahindra going to launch an Mobile App named as Individual Social Responsibility (ISR) to gave training in Information Technology (IT) , digital , informal English and workplace preparations. This training will be given by Tech Mahindra Foundation Smart centers in over 45 domains in 11 different locations in India.

When the training is completed then Gift a Career will also provide students an hiring or placement assistance in an open market as the company steps towards the candidates good. Candidates who are 10th pass and are in age group of 18 to 30 years are eligible for this training.

Mahindra declares “Gift A Career”

CP Gurnami , CEO and MD of Tech Mahindra added that ” In this Covid-19 pandemic it is very difficult to balance lives and livelihood as people are facing many problems during this pandemic. I believe that there should be a balance between economic growth and welfare of the society and more . By this “Gift a Career” program , we have decide to extend our support to the youth who are lost their jobs in this pandemic .

The candidates have to registered themselves for “Gift A Career” through ISR mobile App . will have to fill a form and other required details and also refer any number of candidates who may get benefit from this program.

Rakesh Soni , CEO of the Tech Mahindra Foundation said that ” Tech Mahindra has counter to the pandemic by providing relief to the under served section of the society and introducing innovations with education and skill development programs for learning. This “Gift A Career” program will boost our efforts to reach the larger number of youngsters who can be skilled and upskilled through this program , and candidates have opportunity to make living better during this pandemic time.

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