SJSB Bank Recruitment | General Manager, Deputy General Manager and Assistant General Manager | Apply Now

SJSB Bank Recruitment

SJSB Bank Recruitment: Established on 23 April 1966, Solapur Janata Sahakari Bank Ltd., Solapur is today reckoned as one of the top-notch & leading amongst the Urban Co-operative banks operating in the region of western Maharashtra and Marathwada. In the five decades of its existence, the performance of bank has been prototypical in terms of growth in deposits, advance & overall operational preeminent.

SJSB Bank Recruitment:

Name of the BoardSolapur Janata Sahakari Bank Ltd (SJSB Bank)
Name of the PostGeneral Manager, Deputy General Manager and Assistant General Manager
No. of Vacancy6
Last DateWithin 10 days
StatusNotification Released

Age Limit:

The General Manager and Deputy General Manager positions have a maximum 50-year age limit, whereas the Assistant General Manager position has a maximum 40-year age limit. Candidates can obtain additional information by visiting the official website notification.

Eligibility Criteria:

General Manager (GM) – candidates should graduate (Any faculty) /CA / CS / ICWA or MBA with CAIIB will be preferred. 15 years experience at Middle/Top Management level in a Commercial Bank / Pvt.Bank / Scheduled Co- Operative Bank

Deputy General Manager (DGM) – candidates should graduate (Any faculty). Additional qualification Like CA/CS/ICWA or MBA with CAIIB will be preferred. 15 years at Middle/Top Management level in a Scheduled Co- Operative Bank / Commercial Bank

Assistant General Manager (AGM) – candidates should have Graduation (Any faculty) Additional qualification like JAIIB/CAIIB/ADUCB/LL.B/CA will be preferred. 12 years at Middle Management level in a Scheduled Co-Operative Bank / Commercial Bank.

Salary Details:

The salary for the posts & other perks as per Banks rules. The bank also maintains the right to accept or reject any or all applications for any reason. Computer literacy is necessary for all of the following positions. The selection process is detailed in the official notification, which candidates can refer to.

Selection Process:

An interview may be part of the selection process for this position. The chosen candidate will be placed on a one-year probationary period, after which they will be incorporated into regular / permanent employment if their performance is satisfactory. The Bank’s management maintains the right to adjust or modify any of the deserving candidate’s requirements.

How to Apply SJSB Bank GM Recruitment 2021?

Within 10 days of the date of this advertisement, eligible and interested candidates should send their resumes to The Chief Executive Officer, Solapur Janata Sahakari Bank Ltd. Head Office : Shivsmarak Sankul, Goldfinch Peth, Solapur – 413 007, along with a recent photograph and a copy of their qualification certificates.

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