SSB Odisha Lecturer | Job Openings | Last Date Extended

SSB Odisha Lecturer

SSB Odisha Lecturer: The office of the State Selection Board, Department of Higher Education was set up by Government of Odisha as a statutory body in the year 1975 under erstwhile Education & Youth Services Department for carrying out selection of suitable candidates against the sanctioned Direct Payment posts in the state Cadre (both in teaching and non-teaching) in the aided non-government colleges of the state. It was also entrusted with the responsibilities for selection of suitable candidates for teaching and non teaching posts both in the Government and aided Schools of the State in pursuance of Sub-Section(2) and (3) of Section 10 of the Odisha Education Act, 1969 (Odisha Act 15 of 1969) read with Rule 4 of the Odisha Educational (Recruitment and conditions of service of Teachers and Members of the Staff of the Aided Educational Institutions ) Rules , 1974. It was also declared by the Government of Odisha as a permanent body in the year 1987.

State Selection Board (SSB) Odisha schedule to hire for the post of Lecturer. There are total of 972 vacancies available for this post. Interested candidates may apply online for the position on the official website from 22.03.2021 to 05.05.2021. The board has now extended the deadline to apply for the role. The last date to apply for the post is 20.05.2021. 

SSB Odisha Lecturer:

Name of the boardState selection board (SSB) odisha
Name of the postLecturers
No of vacancy972
Last date20.05.2021
StatusNotification released

SSB Odisha Recruitment 2021 Last Date Extended Details:

  • It is hear by notified that the last date of submission of online application has been extended up to 20.05.2021due to pandemic Covid-19 and hence the last date of submission of application may be read as 20.05.2021(mid night) instead of 05.05.2021 (mid night).
  • The State Selection Board (SSB) of Odisha has announced 972 vacancies for the position of Lecturer. For different topic vise vacancy positions, refer to the official notice. Candidates must be 21 years old with a maximum age of 42 years old to be considered for the role. Candidates must have a master’s degree in the relevant subject from a recognised university with a minimum of 55 percent. For more details, see the official announcement.
  • Candidates will be paying a monthly salary ranging from Rs. 44,900 to Rs. 1, 42,400 (As per matrix level 10). Written, job, and viva voce tests will be used to make the final decision. For more details, see the official announcement. The application fee is Rs 500 for candidates from the unreserved group and Rs 200 for candidates from the schedule castes, schedule tribes, SEBC, and PWD categories.

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