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ToggleUPSC Recruitment 2021: The Union Public Service Commission, commonly abbreviated as UPSC, is India’s premier central recruiting agency for Group ‘A’ officers of Government of India under union government
UPSC Recruitment 2021:
Last Date to Apply:
- Candidates must have completed Masters’ degree in Nursing from a recognized University or Institute or (ii) B.Sc. Nursing or Post basic B.Sc. Nursing with one year experience in a Nursing College recognized by Indian Nursing Council.
- Applicants also having A Ph.D Degree with First class at Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in Metallurgy/Production Engineering and experience of eight years of teaching, research and/or industry at level of Lecturer or equivalent grade, excluding period spent on obtaining the research degree.
- Job Seekers do not exceeding Minimum Age Limit of 35 years to Maximum Age Limit of 50 years. The age limit shown against item No. 4 is the relaxed age limit for Other Backward Classes Candidates. The age limit shown against all items is the normal age limit and the age is relaxable for SC/ST candidates up to 5 years and up to 3 years for OBC candidates in respect of vacancies reserved for them. SC/ST/OBC candidates have to produce a caste certificate in prescribed proforma.
- Candidates are required to pay a fee of Rs. 25/- (Rupees Twenty five) only either by remitting the money in any branch of the SBI by cash or by using net banking facility of the SBI or by using visa/master credit/debit card. No fee for SC/ST/PwBD/Women candidates of any community. No “fee exemption” is available to Gen/OBC/EWS male candidates and they are required to pay the full prescribed fee.
- Candidates shortlisted for interview on the basis of the information provided in the online applications submitted by them will be required to send self attested copies of documents/relevant certificates in support of the claims made in the application as and when demanded by the Commission.
- The printout of the online application and the following Original Documents/ Certificates along with self attested copies and other items specified in the Summon Letter for interview are to be produced at the time of interview, failing which the candidate would not be allowed to appear in the Interview in which case such candidate will not be entitled to receive the Commission’s contribution towards travelling expenses.
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