BSEB extends application process for class 12 exam 2021 | Check out here

Board Exams 2021

BSEB extends application process for class 12 exam 2021, Check out here . Bihar School Examination Board (BSEB) has extended the application process for Bihar Board 10th and 12th examination 2021. The online application process has been extended till 10 September . Students can apply online through the official website . The Bihar Board will announce the dates for secondary , intermediate examinations by the end of this month . The Board exam is likely to held in February next year .

Earlier , the Bihar board announced all students passing the compartment exams . As per the rules , students who fail in one or more exams are required to appear in compartmental examination and only after clearing a student are considered to pass. However the BSEB has stated in official notice that the given situation arising due to the Covid-19 pandemic . It would not be favorable to conduct the examination.

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BSEB extends application process for class 12 exam 2021

BSEB extends application process for class 12 exam 2021:

In the Intermediate examination , out of over 1.32 lakh students , 54.81 out of 72.810 percent have been promoted on the basis of grace marks . According to official figures , out of 2.08 lakh students in matriculation , 68.07 percent or 1.41 lakh have been promoted . This year , a total of 80.59 per cent students passed the matriculation , class 10 examination , while the intermediate pass pecentage was 80.44 per cent . Students are required to obtain a minimum of 30 per cent marks to pass matriculation .

ALSO READ ICAR exam 2020 Postponed : ICAR PG/P.hd to scheduled exam on 23 September .

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